
Simplicity at its purest, quiltblocks are inspired by barn quilts found throughout southeastern Appalachia. Each block contains randomly generated shapes, colors, and patterns produced using vanilla JS. quiltblocks reside on the polygon blockchain and will be available on OpenSea.

Gen 1 contains 105 solid blocks.

Gen 2 contains 215 blocks that have patterns added to the colors.

Gen 3 is in the works (hex signs?)

evolution of quiltblocks

Hex Sign - a design usually in the shape of a star, wheel, or rosette on a circular field. Formerly, hex signs were painted on barns, especially by the Pennsylvania Dutch, and were thought to ward off evil.

Barn Quilts are a family's quilt pattern that has been passed down through the years and is turned into public art. Displayed on their own barn or other building, it becomes part of a quilt trail.

quiltblocks are coded, simple, and fun NFTs continuing in the traditions of Hex Signs and Barn Quilts. An NFT equivalent that can be displayed as owners choose.

the artist

katherine elizabeth

Katie began coding over ten years ago after a career in art & photography. This is her first venture into the NFT space. When not sitting behind a desk coding, Katie enjoys traveling with her family and spending time outdoors. quiltblocks are an extention of these adventures as she fell in love with barn quilts while driving country roads in the Appalachian mountains.